Key Information / Downloads
Listed below are some of the school's key information and statutory documents.
School Development Plan
ETI Inspection Reports
Access NI Request for Volunteer helpers
It has been our policy for some time to encourage parents and friends to help with school activities. We are always delighted with the excellent response from our parents and we wish to continue to seek help with library and storytime, swimming transport, extra supervision on outings, etc. Every school must operate under the Department of Education Child Protection Policy. I am sure, as parents, we will all agree on the crucial importance of safeguarding our children. Should you feel you may wish to assist with any activity / event during the school year you may be asked to complete an AccessNI application so that all relevant checks are in place. This is now completed online using the link below. If you would like more information or would like to discuss the procedure, please contact the school office or the Principal.
Application for Access NI online
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