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The School Day/Other School Information


Our target each year is to maintain an overall attendance rate of above 95%. Parental support is vital in this and we request that holidays should not be arranged during term time, as this can have a detrimental effect on a child’s overall attendance rate.

School soft start                      8:50am-9.00am 

FS/Key Stage 1 Lunch             12.25pm-1.00pm          

Key Stage 2 Lunch                   1.05pm-1.40pm

P1-3 Dismissal                           2.00pm            

P4-7 Dismissal                          3.00pm (Mon-Thurs)

                                                      2:00pm (Friday only)



A list of holiday dates is distributed to all parents in the month of June of the preceding academic year.  Confirmation of school closures is provided for parents at the start of the new academic year.

Click here to view 2024-2025 School Holidays


Lunch time Arrangements

School Meals

School meals are available and may be purchased for the week ahead on Monday mornings via our online payment system. If you think your child is entitled to Free School Meals, please contact the school office.

Packed Lunch

Supervised facilities are available for pupils to eat packed lunches before going out to play.

Important Safety Rule

Pupils should not leave the school or grounds at lunchtime.  Parents requesting such withdrawal must do so in writing and will be asked to ensure appropriate supervision of their children while away from the school

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