Monitoring Pupil Progress/ Assessment
Donaghadee Primary employs a range of strategies, both formal and informal, to measure the progress of all of our children. Assessments in the early years (P1 and P2) provide valuable baselines for each child and allow the school, where appropriate, to make early interventions with children who need additional support. Standardised tests, used from P3-P7, provide teachers with valuable information on the strengths and development areas for groups and individual children. This information informs teachers’ future planning.
In addition, right across the school, Assessment for Learning techniques are deeply embedded. Learning outcomes are routinely shared with children and success criteria agreed with them. Children are regularly involved in target setting and self and peer assessment.
Parents are invited to participate in a parent/teacher consultation in October and February of each year to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher.
Foundation Stage staff regularly conduct class observations, taking note of children’s learning or any difficulties they may be experiencing. In addition, KS1 and KS2 (P3-7), teachers assess the children’s progress across a range of levels in Communication (language and literacy), Using Maths and ICT.