Motto, Mission Statement & Aims
Create, Discover, Achieve
‘Our school is committed to providing an inspiring, dynamic and nurturing environment. Together the school community works to develop each child’s emotional, social and academic potential. We aim to create independent, responsible life-long learners.’
Our Aims are
• To develop the children’s self-esteem and sense of respect for themselves and others.
• To help every child acquire the knowledge, social skills and practical abilities needed to reach their full potential.
• To create a learning environment where children feel happy and secure and where the pastoral care of children is of paramount importance.
• To maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere and to continue to foster excellent working relationships throughout our school community.
• To develop the skills of all staff so that the opportunities open to the children and the quality of their learning are always of a high order.
• To provide a high standard of education for the community we serve and to encourage children to understand the country in which they live.
• To encourage an appreciation of, and respect for, the values and beliefs of our society and the society of others.
• To meet the needs of every child and to advance their educational, emotional, physical, social and moral development.
• To celebrate, in a meaningful way, the many successes which the children and school encounter.

The school is proud of its robust and caring pastoral provision and especially in the way in which it is implemented and seeks to promote an ethos of inclusivity in response to the diverse community it serves.