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Child Protection & Pastoral Care

Designated Teachers for Child Protection & Pastoral Care

My name is Mrs G. Kinkaid - Designated Teacher

You can talk to me if you are worried or upset about anything.


My name is Mrs K. Bell - Deputy Designated Teacher

You can talk to me if you are worried or upset about anything.


My name is Mrs L. Russell - Deputy Designated Teacher Nursery

If you are in Nursery, you can talk to me if you are worried or upset about anything.


At Donaghadee Primary School it is our aim to work collaboratively with parents and other agencies, as required, in order to protect and prevent children from experiencing harm and to promote their welfare.

Our most recent inspection concluded that ‘the quality of the arrangements for pastoral care in the school and the nursery unit is outstanding.’ The report also stated that ‘the caring, inclusive ethos is underpinned by mutual respect and pride in the school.’ A strong sense of community pervades the life and work of the school.’


The Pastoral Care Team at Donaghadee Primary School consists of a Designated Teacher (DT) and a Deputy Designated Teacher (DDT) in the Primary School. Additionally, a further Deputy Designated Teacher (DDT) is assigned to our Nursery Unit.

Mrs Gillian Kinkaid (DT), Mrs Karen Bell (DDT) and Mrs Laura Russell (DDT for Nursery) are experienced teachers within our school. Each have received Safeguarding & Child Protection Training from Child Protection Support Service within the EA.

Additional members of the Safeguarding Team include Mrs E Scott (Principal), Mrs L Conn (Acting ICT / E-Safety Coordinator), Mrs J Gordon (Chair of Board of Governors), Mrs A Wright (CP Governor) and Mr B Lennox (eSafety Governor).

Donaghadee Primary School is an Operation Encompass School and all recent legislation is adhered to include the Addressing Bullying in Schools Act. Policy and practice are reviewed annually to include additional training with partner agencies such as Barnardos.

All staff, led by the Safeguarding Team, undertake annual training before the commencement of each academic year.

We adopt a positive approach to discipline expecting pupils to behave in a responsible manner by showing consideration, courtesy and respect for others at all times.  This standard of behaviour is expected both inside school and, on their way, to and from school. The ‘Assertive Discipline’ programme has been very successfully initiated and embedded in our day-to-day school life, with rewards and sanctions agreed across the three Key Stages.

The pupils have an opportunity to be selected to serve as ‘Buddies’ in the playground, House Captains, Pupil Council Reps and ECO Reps.  Each week the staff nominate a pupil in each class as ‘Pupil of the Week’ which is presented in Assembly.

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